From 6th April 2016 all dogs in the UK are legally required to be microchipped

A dog will still need to to wear a collar and tag that states the name and contact details of it’s owner when in a public place, but from 6th April 2016 all dogs over 8 weeks old are also legally required to be microchipped.

The chip needs to be linked to the owners most current contact information to be compliant.

Police and local authority employees will be issued with microchip reader scanners so that instant enforcement of the law can be carried out.

Dog owners who do not comply could face fines of up to £500.

The only exemption from the requirement is where a vet has certified in writing that a dog is unfit to be microchipped.

Microchipping also has a number of welfare benefits – including:

* All puppies are traceable to their breeder thereby helping reduce the problem of puppy farming and lessening the incidence of infectious disease and inherited defects from which many of these dogs suffer
* Deterrent to dog theft
* Allows for rapid return, meaning that local authorities are able to emphasise to the dog owners concerned that straying is not acceptable, the intention being that this education will lessen the likelihood of a dog straying again and reinforce the responsibilities of the owners under the Animal Welfare Act 2006
* Easier identification and subsequent arrests of owners culpable of animal cruelty
* Enables veterinary surgeons to contact dog owners for emergency procedures
* Allows identification of dogs in properties in emergency situations so that dogs and owners can be moved and reunited more quickly

If you have not already had your pet microchipped, you can easily get this done by your vet and many organisations – Dogs Trust offer free or subsidised microchipping.