Celebrations for Solihull’s first outdoor nursery

The opening of Solihull’s first outdoor nursery in Balsall Common was celebrated earlier this month.

Councillor Ken Meeson, Cabinet Member for Children, Education and Skills, had the honour of officially opening Beatle Woods on Friday 8th September and was joined by prospective families at the launch.

Beatle Woods has been set up by local resident and experienced nursery manager, Rachel Macbeth-Webb, with support from Solihull Council’s Early Years and School Improvement Team.

This is a completely unique project, with no such facility in Solihull or neighbouring boroughs, making it a very special addition to the Solihull community.

Councillor Meeson welcomed this first for Solihull and was interested to learn more about the idea of learning outdoors.

He said: ‘I was delighted to be a part of this very special occasion with Rachel and everyone at Beatle Woods.

“Research shows the abundance of benefits that come with children learning outside and I am thrilled that Solihull is home to such an exciting nursery.’

Rachel has named the outdoor forest nursery after her late father – a dedicated social worker who inspired Rachel to open this setting and who loved The Beatles.

For further information about Beatle Woods, go to their website: http://www.beatlewoods.co.uk/ or email: info@beatlewoods.co.uk

Read more: http://www.solihull.gov.uk/news/ArtMID/820/ArticleID/1855/Celebrations-for-Solihull’s-first-outdoor-nursery