Solihull students show photographic flair

The Rotary Club of St Alphege Solihull recently teamed up with Touchwood to crown the winners of its popular Young Photographer Competition.

Sponsored by Touchwood, the annual competition is open to students of Secondary Schools and Colleges within Solihull, challenging them to offer their imaginative and artistic interpretations of the subject of ‘Reflection’.

Harvey Williams from Alderbrook School was announced the winner of the Intermediate Age category, whilst Lauren Wilson also of Alderbrook School, took home the accolade for the Senior Category.

Each winner received a £100 gift card, courtesy of Touchwood.

Codie Davis, Millie Goldman, Connor O’Dowd and Jack Mansbridge, students at Alderbrook School, were also Highly Commended for their work.

The competition was judged by Simon Maycock, professional photographer, Nick Logan, local professional artist, Lucy Burnett, the marketing manager of Touchwood and Alan James, 1st Vice President of the Rotary Club of St Alphege Solihull.

A display of the winning photographs can be seen in Manor Walk, Touchwood’s walkway which leads from the Atrium to the Manor Square Exit.